On June 13th, 2019 Vanderbilt Health CEO Dr. C. Wright Pinson cut the ribbon to mark the grand opening of a new era for the C.W. Pinson Hospital Hospitality House. Corporate Artworks is proud to be among the donors for this facility in their efforts to serve their community and those in need of a place to stay while their loved ones receive treatment at a nearby hospital. This beautiful facility more than deserves to have some beautiful artwork to adorn its hallways and we are honored to donate to this organization.
The facility offers 30 guest rooms with the ability to provide 11,000 nightly stays annually. The 117 piece art program was themed around the city of Nashville and other well-known locations in Tennessee. Director Angie Stiff wanted to showcase all that Tennessee has to offer including tourist and historical areas as well as the beautiful countryside because so many of their guests are from out of state and other countries. One of the featured pieces is a wall mural of the Heart and Home logo with custom wooden houses to be used as donation name wall plaques. HHH’s mission is to provide a home away from home and this new addition and renovated facility creates a welcoming environment.
Judy Klich, Artist, Art Consultants, and Corporate Artworks CEO Denise Rippinger were among the attendees at the grand opening ceremony. Corporate Artworks congratulates HHH for opening its doors as well as its hearts. We hope they enjoy their new facility as well as the artwork for years to come!
For more information please visit their site: https://www.hhhnashville.org/