Artist Submission
We are always looking for new artists to be included in our database.
Please read the following instruction carefully before you submit your work.
Type of artwork we are looking for: Contemporary artwork in various art medium
- 2 Dimensional artworks: paintings, drawings, print makings, mixed media, photographs and digital art
- 3 Dimensional artworks: sculptures in metal, wood, ceramic, glass, and textile.
- Public art: monumental sculptures, landscape (environmental) art, architectural elements.
How to submit:
By Email
If you have a website, please email a link to your website that features images of your work. This is our preferable method of reviewing your artwork. If your artwork is approved, we will ask you to submit other materials. Please scroll down and fill in the form to submit your artist website/ portfolio URL address. Please do not submit an Instagram, Etsy or any other social media site as your portfolio. Here is a great source for artists to create a free portfolio if you do not have one:
By Mail
If you do not have a website, please mail a brochure, flyer, postcard or other printed materials that have images and information regarding your work. We will not open any emails that have images or digital brochures attached for IT security reasons. Please do not follow up your submission with a phone call. We will contact you if we are interested.
Thank you for your understanding.
Please send materials to the following address:
76 West Seegers Rd. Arlington Heights, IL 60005
PLEASE NOTE: if you send any small samples to our offices, they will not be returned to you. We have hundreds of submissions weekly and we cannot return samples or speak with every artist that contacts our office regarding the use of their art. Artwork is sourced on a project by project basis typically. But we are making efforts to create a digital database that your work will be saved in for future need.
Thank you for your patience.
Please do not submit CDs, slides or original artwork by mail. Your submission will not be reviewed and your materials will not be returned.

Email Submission
Schedule your 10 minutes free
consultation call today!
This is a 5-10 minute assessment to find out more about your needs and how we can help you.
If you would like immediate assistance, please feel free to call our office at (847) 843-3636.