1. Your office walls are absolutely desolate or have sparse wall decor.

2. The artwork that is in your office is from in a decade that is not this one. (Classic reprints such as a Van Gogh aren’t included in this).

3. You catch your clients doing one of these faces
4. You have cheesy motivational posters and your employees secretly hate them. Motivational posters do nothing to actually motivate people or get a company growth. A company with a positive culture and strong core management values that actually entice employees to want to do their best will though.
5. You, your employees, and staff are bored mentally. As the old saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” There is no motivation or spark of creative energy when you are in the space. This one employee was so bored with the blank walls in his work environment he decided to do something about it – with his boss’s permission of course.
6. Your company mission statement is nowhere to be found. With a mission statement proudly mounted on your office walls, you can communicate to your team the qualities that mean most to your organization like fairness, diversity, respect for ideas and creativity, training, tools, empowerment, and more. These are themes that matter and resonate with your staff.

There are so many underrated benefits to displaying artwork in corporate environments. – Helps workers restore mental energy and reduce stress. Younger workers also see more positive benefits from having art. This includes increased productivity at 54% compared to 34%, reduces stress (58% to 45%), and increases happiness (60% to 49%). – According to the respondents in a survey, they also believe it positively affects new clients and potential employees. Almost half or 49% said artwork does this by giving a good impression. – Moreover, these offices saw fewer employee health complaints.
Contact Corporate Artworks today to start enhancing your workspace!
Whether you want to project an image or enhance your work environment, we will help you every step of the way. As professional art consultants, we’re experts at creating unique, eye-catching, and productive corporate environments. Please peruse our site. Explore our services and portfolio. Then contact us to discuss how best to use quality art to help accomplish your corporate goals.